Spring til hovedindhold

2020 Marañones Garanacha - Bodegas Marañones

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Prisen er pr. flaske

Rødvin - 75cl. Pakket i kartoner á 6 flasker


Bodegas Marañones er en forholdsvis ny producent på den spanske vinscene. Der rådes over 28 hektar vinmarker i San Martin de Valdeiglesias i D.O. Vinos de Madrid, hvor markerne ligger relativt højt med et spænd på 650-850 meter over havets overflade.

Det betyder markante skift i temperaturen over et helt døgn, hvor dagstimerne byder på høj varme mens nætterne er kølige. Det bidrager til en elegant friskhed og flot struktur i vinene. Winemaker Fernando Garcia arbejder desuden ud fra økologiske principper, for at sikre et så rent udtryk i vinene som muligt.






94 point PARKER, der skriver:

"The still unbottled 2020 Marañones comes from a classical year when the wine needs more time, and the idea was to wait to bottle it a little later. There are more herbal notes and the tannin from San Martín, less floral and more austere, with more structure and pungent tannins. 2020 is a year of quality and quantity, elegant and serious, with great balance and freshness, with fruit and complexity, hints of flowers, good length, finesse, chalky tannins... The wine feels superb; it's elegant in the style of 2016 and clearly a bargain for the price asked. This is aging in three oak foudres from which they could fill around 12,000 bottles."